In this section, we will describe a number of examples from the example/embedded folder. To allow code-reuse with different platforms as well as with new ports, the low-level initialization of BTstack and the hardware configuration has been extracted to the various platforms/PLATFORM/main.c files. The examples only contain the platform-independent Bluetooth logic. But let’s have a look at the common init code.

Listing below shows a minimal platform setup for an embedded system with a Bluetooth chipset connected via UART.

int main(){
  // ... hardware init: watchdoch, IOs, timers, etc...

  // setup BTstack memory pools

  // select embedded run loop

  hci_dump_open(NULL, HCI_DUMP_STDOUT);

  // init HCI
  hci_transport_t    * transport = hci_transport_h4_dma_instance();
  remote_device_db_t * remote_db = (remote_device_db_t *) &remote_device_db_memory;
  hci_init(transport, NULL, NULL, remote_db);

  // setup example    
  btstack_main(argc, argv);

  // go

First, BTstack’s memory pools are setup up. Then, the standard run loop implementation for embedded systems is selected.

The call to hci_dump_open configures BTstack to output all Bluetooth packets and it’s own debug and error message via printf. The Python script tools/ can be used to convert the console output into a Bluetooth PacketLogger format that can be opened by the OS X PacketLogger tool as well as by Wireshark for further inspection. When asking for help, please always include a log created with HCI dump.

The hci_init function sets up HCI to use the HCI H4 Transport implementation. It doesn’t provide a special transport configuration nor a special implementation for a particular Bluetooth chipset. It makes use of the remote_device_db_memory implementation that allows for re-connects without a new pairing but doesn’t persist the bonding information.

Finally, it calls btstack_main() of the actual example before executing the run loop.

led_counter: Hello World: blinking LED without Bluetooth

The example demonstrates how to provide a periodic timer to toggle an LED and send debug messages to the console as a minimal BTstack test.

Periodic Timer Setup

As timers in BTstack are single shot, the periodic counter is implemented by re-registering the timer source in the heartbeat handler callback function. Listing here shows heartbeat handler adapted to periodically toggle an LED and print number of toggles.

static void heartbeat_handler(timer_source_t *ts){   
  // increment counter
  char lineBuffer[30];
  sprintf(lineBuffer, "BTstack counter %04u\n\r", ++counter);

  // toggle LED

  // re-register timer
  run_loop_set_timer(&heartbeat, HEARTBEAT_PERIOD_MS);

Main Application Setup

Listing here shows main application code. It configures the heartbeat tier and adds it to the run loop.

int btstack_main(int argc, const char * argv[]);
int btstack_main(int argc, const char * argv[]){

  // set one-shot timer
  heartbeat.process = &heartbeat_handler;
  run_loop_set_timer(&heartbeat, HEARTBEAT_PERIOD_MS);

  return 0;

gap_inquiry: GAP Inquiry Example

The Generic Access Profile (GAP) defines how Bluetooth devices discover and establish a connection with each other. In this example, the application discovers surrounding Bluetooth devices and collects their Class of Device (CoD), page scan mode, clock offset, and RSSI. After that, the remote name of each device is requested. In the following section we outline the Bluetooth logic part, i.e., how the packet handler handles the asynchronous events and data packets.

Bluetooth Logic

The Bluetooth logic is implemented as a state machine within the packet handler. In this example, the following states are passed sequentially: INIT, and ACTIVE.

In INIT, an inquiry scan is started, and the application transits to ACTIVE state.

In ACTIVE, the following events are processed:

  • Inquiry result event: the list of discovered devices is processed and the Class of Device (CoD), page scan mode, clock offset, and RSSI are stored in a table.
  • Inquiry complete event: the remote name is requested for devices without a fetched name. The state of a remote name can be one of the following: REMOTE_NAME_REQUEST, REMOTE_NAME_INQUIRED, or REMOTE_NAME_FETCHED.
  • Remote name cached event: prints cached remote names provided by BTstack, if persistent storage is provided.
  • Remote name request complete event: the remote name is stored in the table and the state is updated to REMOTE_NAME_FETCHED. The query of remote names is continued.

For more details on discovering remote devices, please see Section on GAP.

Main Application Setup

Listing here shows main application code. It registers the HCI packet handler and starts the Bluetooth stack.

int btstack_main(int argc, const char * argv[]);
int btstack_main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {

  // turn on!

  return 0;

sdp_general_query: Dump remote SDP Records

The example shows how the SDP Client is used to get a list of service records on a remote device.

SDP Client Setup

SDP is based on L2CAP. To receive SDP query events you must register a callback, i.e. query handler, with the SPD parser, as shown in Listing here. Via this handler, the SDP client will receive the following events:

  • SDP_QUERY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE containing the results of the query in chunks,
  • SDP_QUERY_COMPLETE indicating the end of the query and the status

static void packet_handler (void * connection, uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size);
static void handle_sdp_client_query_result(sdp_query_event_t * event);

static void sdp_client_init(void){
  // init L2CAP


SDP Client Query

To trigger an SDP query to get the a list of service records on a remote device, you need to call sdp_general_query_for_uuid() with the remote address and the UUID of the public browse group, as shown in Listing here. In this example we used fixed address of the remote device shown in Listing here. Please update it with the address of a device in your vicinity, e.g., one reported by the GAP Inquiry example in the previous section.

static bd_addr_t remote = {0x04,0x0C,0xCE,0xE4,0x85,0xD3};

static void packet_handler (void * connection, uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){
  // printf("packet_handler type %u, packet[0] %x\n", packet_type, packet[0]);

  if (packet_type != HCI_EVENT_PACKET) return;
  uint8_t event = packet[0];

  switch (event) {
      if (packet[2] == HCI_STATE_WORKING){
        sdp_general_query_for_uuid(remote, SDP_PublicBrowseGroup);

Handling SDP Client Query Results

The SDP Client returns the results of the query in chunks. Each result packet contains the record ID, the Attribute ID, and a chunk of the Attribute value. In this example, we append new chunks for the same Attribute ID in a large buffer, see Listing here.

To save memory, it's also possible to process these chunks directly by a custom stream parser, similar to the way XML files are parsed by a SAX parser. Have a look at src/sdp_query_rfcomm.c which retrieves the RFCOMM channel number and the service name.

static void handle_sdp_client_query_result(sdp_query_event_t * event){
  sdp_query_attribute_value_event_t * ve;
  sdp_query_complete_event_t * ce;

  switch (event->type){
      ve = (sdp_query_attribute_value_event_t*) event;

      // handle new record
      if (ve->record_id != record_id){
        record_id = ve->record_id;
        printf("\n---\nRecord nr. %u\n", record_id);


      attribute_value[ve->data_offset] = ve->data;
      if ((uint16_t)(ve->data_offset+1) == ve->attribute_length){
         printf("Attribute 0x%04x: ", ve->attribute_id);
      ce = (sdp_query_complete_event_t*) event;
      printf("General query done with status %d.\n\n", ce->status);

sdp_bnep_query: Dump remote BNEP PAN protocol UUID and L2CAP PSM

The example shows how the SDP Client is used to get all BNEP service records from a remote device. It extracts the remote BNEP PAN protocol UUID and the L2CAP PSM, which are needed to connect to a remote BNEP service.

SDP Client Setup

As with the previous example, you must register a callback, i.e. query handler, with the SPD parser, as shown in Listing here. Via this handler, the SDP client will receive events:

  • SDP_QUERY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE containing the results of the query in chunks,
  • SDP_QUERY_COMPLETE reporting the status and the end of the query.

static void packet_handler (void * connection, uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size);
static void handle_sdp_client_query_result(sdp_query_event_t * event);

static void sdp_client_init(void){
  // init L2CAP


SDP Client Query

static void packet_handler (void * connection, uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){
  if (packet_type != HCI_EVENT_PACKET) return;
  uint8_t event = packet[0];

  switch (event) {
      // BTstack activated, get started 
      if (packet[2] == HCI_STATE_WORKING){
        printf("Start SDP BNEP query.\n");
        sdp_general_query_for_uuid(remote, SDP_BNEPProtocol);

Handling SDP Client Query Result

The SDP Client returns the result of the query in chunks. Each result packet contains the record ID, the Attribute ID, and a chunk of the Attribute value, see Listing here. Here, we show how to parse the Service Class ID List and Protocol Descriptor List, as they contain the BNEP Protocol UUID and L2CAP PSM respectively.

static void handle_sdp_client_query_result(sdp_query_event_t * event){

          // 0x0001 "Service Class ID List"
          case SDP_ServiceClassIDList:
            if (de_get_element_type(attribute_value) != DE_DES) break;
            for (des_iterator_init(&des_list_it, attribute_value); des_iterator_has_more(&des_list_it); des_iterator_next(&des_list_it)){
              uint8_t * element = des_iterator_get_element(&des_list_it);
              if (de_get_element_type(element) != DE_UUID) continue;
              uint32_t uuid = de_get_uuid32(element);
              switch (uuid){
                case PANU_UUID:
                case NAP_UUID:
                case GN_UUID:
                  printf(" ** Attribute 0x%04x: BNEP PAN protocol UUID: %04x\n", ve->attribute_id, uuid);
          case SDP_ProtocolDescriptorList:{
              printf(" ** Attribute 0x%04x: ", ve->attribute_id);

              uint16_t l2cap_psm = 0;
              uint16_t bnep_version = 0;
              for (des_iterator_init(&des_list_it, attribute_value); des_iterator_has_more(&des_list_it); des_iterator_next(&des_list_it)){
                if (des_iterator_get_type(&des_list_it) != DE_DES) continue;
                uint8_t * des_element = des_iterator_get_element(&des_list_it);
                des_iterator_init(&prot_it, des_element);
                uint8_t * element = des_iterator_get_element(&prot_it);

                if (de_get_element_type(element) != DE_UUID) continue;
                uint32_t uuid = de_get_uuid32(element);
                switch (uuid){
                  case SDP_L2CAPProtocol:
                    if (!des_iterator_has_more(&prot_it)) continue;
                    de_element_get_uint16(des_iterator_get_element(&prot_it), &l2cap_psm);
                  case SDP_BNEPProtocol:
                    if (!des_iterator_has_more(&prot_it)) continue;
                    de_element_get_uint16(des_iterator_get_element(&prot_it), &bnep_version);
              printf("l2cap_psm 0x%04x, bnep_version 0x%04x\n", l2cap_psm, bnep_version);

The Service Class ID List is a Data Element Sequence (DES) of UUIDs. The BNEP PAN protocol UUID is within this list.

The Protocol Descriptor List is DES which contains one DES for each protocol. For PAN serivces, it contains a DES with the L2CAP Protocol UUID and a PSM, and another DES with the BNEP UUID and the the BNEP version.

spp_counter: SPP Server - Heartbeat Counter over RFCOMM

The Serial port profile (SPP) is widely used as it provides a serial port over Bluetooth. The SPP counter example demonstrates how to setup an SPP service, and provide a periodic timer over RFCOMM.

SPP Service Setup

To provide an SPP service, the L2CAP, RFCOMM, and SDP protocol layers are required. After setting up an RFCOMM service with channel nubmer RFCOMM_SERVER_CHANNEL, an SDP record is created and registered with the SDP server. Example code for SPP service setup is provided in Listing here. The SDP record created by function sdp_create_spp_service consists of a basic SPP definition that uses the provided RFCOMM channel ID and service name. For more details, please have a look at it in \path{src/sdp_util.c}. The SDP record is created on the fly in RAM and is deterministic. To preserve valuable RAM, the result could be stored as constant data inside the ROM.

void spp_service_setup(void){

  rfcomm_register_service_internal(NULL, RFCOMM_SERVER_CHANNEL, 0xffff);  // reserved channel, mtu limited by l2cap

  // init SDP, create record for SPP and register with SDP
  memset(spp_service_buffer, 0, sizeof(spp_service_buffer));
  service_record_item_t * service_record_item = (service_record_item_t *) spp_service_buffer;
  sdp_create_spp_service( (uint8_t*) &service_record_item->service_record, RFCOMM_SERVER_CHANNEL, "SPP Counter");
  printf("SDP service buffer size: %u\n", (uint16_t) (sizeof(service_record_item_t) + de_get_len((uint8_t*) &service_record_item->service_record)));
  sdp_register_service_internal(NULL, service_record_item);

Periodic Timer Setup

The heartbeat handler increases the real counter every second, and sends a text string with the counter value, as shown in Listing here.

static timer_source_t heartbeat;

static void  heartbeat_handler(struct timer *ts){
  static int counter = 0;

  if (rfcomm_channel_id){
    char lineBuffer[30];
    sprintf(lineBuffer, "BTstack counter %04u\n", ++counter);
    printf("%s", lineBuffer);
    if (rfcomm_can_send_packet_now(rfcomm_channel_id)) {
      int err = rfcomm_send_internal(rfcomm_channel_id, (uint8_t*) lineBuffer, strlen(lineBuffer));  
      if (err) {
        log_error("rfcomm_send_internal -> error 0X%02x", err);  
  run_loop_set_timer(ts, HEARTBEAT_PERIOD_MS);

static void one_shot_timer_setup(void){
  // set one-shot timer
  heartbeat.process = &heartbeat_handler;
  run_loop_set_timer(&heartbeat, HEARTBEAT_PERIOD_MS);

Bluetooth Logic

The Bluetooth logic is implemented within the packet handler, see Listing here. In this example, the following events are passed sequentially:

  • HCI_EVENT_PIN_CODE_REQUEST (Standard pairing) or

Upon receiving HCI_EVENT_PIN_CODE_REQUEST event, we need to handle authentication. Here, we use a fixed PIN code "0000".

When HCI_EVENT_USER_CONFIRMATION_REQUEST is received, the user will be asked to accept the pairing request. If the IO capability is set to SSP_IO_CAPABILITY_DISPLAY_YES_NO, the request will be automatically accepted.

The RFCOMM_EVENT_INCOMING_CONNECTION event indicates an incoming connection. Here, the connection is accepted. More logic is need, if you want to handle connections from multiple clients. The incoming RFCOMM connection event contains the RFCOMM channel number used during the SPP setup phase and the newly assigned RFCOMM channel ID that is used by all BTstack commands and events.

If RFCOMM_EVENT_OPEN_CHANNEL_COMPLETE event returns status greater then 0, then the channel establishment has failed (rare case, e.g., client crashes). On successful connection, the RFCOMM channel ID and MTU for this channel are made available to the heartbeat counter. After opening the RFCOMM channel, the communication between client and the application takes place. In this example, the timer handler increases the real counter every second.

static void packet_handler (void * connection, uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){
          // pre-ssp: inform about pin code request
          printf("Pin code request - using '0000'\n");
          bt_flip_addr(event_addr, &packet[2]);
          hci_send_cmd(&hci_pin_code_request_reply, &event_addr, 4, "0000");

          // ssp: inform about user confirmation request
          printf("SSP User Confirmation Request with numeric value '%06u'\n", READ_BT_32(packet, 8));
          printf("SSP User Confirmation Auto accept\n");

          // data: event (8), len(8), address(48), channel (8), rfcomm_cid (16)
          bt_flip_addr(event_addr, &packet[2]); 
          rfcomm_channel_nr = packet[8];
          rfcomm_channel_id = READ_BT_16(packet, 9);
          printf("RFCOMM channel %u requested for %s\n", rfcomm_channel_nr, bd_addr_to_str(event_addr));

          // data: event(8), len(8), status (8), address (48), server channel(8), rfcomm_cid(16), max frame size(16)
          if (packet[2]) {
            printf("RFCOMM channel open failed, status %u\n", packet[2]);
          } else {
            rfcomm_channel_id = READ_BT_16(packet, 12);
            mtu = READ_BT_16(packet, 14);
            printf("RFCOMM channel open succeeded. New RFCOMM Channel ID %u, max frame size %u\n", rfcomm_channel_id, mtu);

spp_flowcontrol: SPP Server - Flow Control

This example adds explicit flow control for incoming RFCOMM data to the SPP heartbeat counter example. We will highlight the changes compared to the SPP counter example.

SPP Service Setup

Listing here shows how to provide one initial credit during RFCOMM service initialization. Please note that providing a single credit effectively reduces the credit-based (sliding window) flow control to a stop-and-wait flow control that limits the data throughput substantially.

static void spp_service_setup(void){   
  // init L2CAP

  // init RFCOMM
  // reserved channel, mtu limited by l2cap, 1 credit
  rfcomm_register_service_with_initial_credits_internal(NULL, rfcomm_channel_nr, 0xffff, 1);

  // init SDP, create record for SPP and register with SDP
  memset(spp_service_buffer, 0, sizeof(spp_service_buffer));
  service_record_item_t * service_record_item = (service_record_item_t *) spp_service_buffer;
  sdp_create_spp_service( (uint8_t*) &service_record_item->service_record, 1, "SPP Counter");
  printf("SDP service buffer size: %u\n\r", (uint16_t) (sizeof(service_record_item_t) + de_get_len((uint8_t*) &service_record_item->service_record)));
  sdp_register_service_internal(NULL, service_record_item);

Periodic Timer Setup

Explicit credit management is recommended when received RFCOMM data cannot be processed immediately. In this example, delayed processing of received data is simulated with the help of a periodic timer as follows. When the packet handler receives a data packet, it does not provide a new credit, it sets a flag instead, see Listing here. If the flag is set, a new credit will be granted by the heartbeat handler, introducing a delay of up to 1 second. The heartbeat handler code is shown in Listing here.

static void  heartbeat_handler(struct timer *ts){
  if (rfcomm_send_credit){
    rfcomm_grant_credits(rfcomm_channel_id, 1);
    rfcomm_send_credit = 0;
  run_loop_set_timer(ts, HEARTBEAT_PERIOD_MS);

// Bluetooth logic
static void packet_handler (void * connection, uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){
      for (i=0;i<size;i++){
      rfcomm_send_credit = 1;

panu_demo: PANU Demo

This example implements both a PANU client and a server. In server mode, it sets up a BNEP server and registers a PANU SDP record and waits for incoming connections. In client mode, it connects to a remote device, does an SDP Query to identify the PANU service and initiates a BNEP connection.

Main application configuration

In the application configuration, L2CAP and BNEP are initialized and a BNEP service, for server mode, is registered, before the Bluetooth stack gets started, as shown in Listing here.

static void packet_handler (void * connection, uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size);
static void handle_sdp_client_query_result(sdp_query_event_t *event);

static void panu_setup(void){
  // Initialize L2CAP 

  // Initialise BNEP
  // Minimum L2CAP MTU for bnep is 1691 bytes
  bnep_register_service(NULL, SDP_PANU, 1691);

  // Initialise SDP 

TUN / TAP interface routines

This example requires a TUN/TAP interface to connect the Bluetooth network interface with the native system. It has been tested on Linux and OS X, but should work on any system that provides TUN/TAP with minor modifications.

On Linux, TUN/TAP is available by default. On OS X, tuntaposx from needs to be installed.

The tap_alloc function sets up a virtual network interface with the given Bluetooth Address. It is rather low-level as it sets up and configures a network interface.

Listing here shows how a packet is received from the TAP network interface and forwarded over the BNEP connection.

After successfully reading a network packet, the call to the bnep_can_send_packet_now function checks, if BTstack can forward a network packet now. If that's not possible, the received data stays in the network buffer and the data source elements is removed from the run loop. The process_tap_dev_data function will not be called until the data source is registered again. This provides a basic flow control.

int process_tap_dev_data(struct data_source *ds) 
  ssize_t len;
  len = read(ds->fd, network_buffer, sizeof(network_buffer));
  if (len <= 0){
    fprintf(stderr, "TAP: Error while reading: %s\n", strerror(errno));
    return 0;

  network_buffer_len = len;
  if (bnep_can_send_packet_now(bnep_cid)) {
    bnep_send(bnep_cid, network_buffer, network_buffer_len);
    network_buffer_len = 0;
  } else {
    // park the current network packet
  return 0;

SDP parser callback

The SDP parsers retrieves the BNEP PAN UUID as explained in Section [on SDP BNEP Query example](#sec:sdpbnepqueryExample}.

Packet Handler

The packet handler responds to various HCI Events.

static void packet_handler (void * connection, uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size)
  switch (packet_type) {
        case HCI_EVENT_PACKET:
      event = packet[0];
      switch (event) {      
          if (packet[2] == HCI_STATE_WORKING) {
            printf("Start SDP BNEP query.\n");
            sdp_general_query_for_uuid(remote, SDP_BNEPProtocol);


                    // data: event(8), len(8), bnep source uuid (16), bnep destination uuid (16), remote_address (48)
          uuid_source = READ_BT_16(packet, 2);
          uuid_dest   = READ_BT_16(packet, 4);
          mtu     = READ_BT_16(packet, 6);
          bnep_cid  = channel;
          memcpy(&event_addr, &packet[8], sizeof(bd_addr_t));
                    printf("BNEP connection from %s source UUID 0x%04x dest UUID: 0x%04x, max frame size: %u\n", bd_addr_to_str(event_addr), uuid_source, uuid_dest, mtu);
          tap_fd = tap_alloc(tap_dev_name, local_addr);
          if (tap_fd < 0) {
            printf("Creating BNEP tap device failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
          } else {
            printf("BNEP device \"%s\" allocated.\n", tap_dev_name);
            tap_dev_ds.fd = tap_fd;
            tap_dev_ds.process = process_tap_dev_data;


          printf("BNEP channel timeout! Channel will be closed\n");

          printf("BNEP channel closed\n");
          if (tap_fd > 0) {
            tap_fd = -1;

          // Check for parked network packets and send it out now 
          if (network_buffer_len > 0) {
            bnep_send(bnep_cid, network_buffer, network_buffer_len);
            network_buffer_len = 0;
            // Re-add the tap device data source



      // Write out the ethernet frame to the tap device 
      if (tap_fd > 0) {
        rc = write(tap_fd, packet, size);
        if (rc < 0) {
          fprintf(stderr, "TAP: Could not write to TAP device: %s\n", strerror(errno));
        } else 
        if (rc != size) {
          fprintf(stderr, "TAP: Package written only partially %d of %d bytes\n", rc, size);


When BTSTACK_EVENT_STATE with state HCI_STATE_WORKING is received and the example is started in client mode, the remote SDP BNEP query is started.

In server mode, BNEP_EVENT_INCOMING_CONNECTION is received after a client has connected. The TAP network interface is then configured. A data source is set up and registered with the run loop to receive Ethernet packets from the TAP interface.

The event contains both the source and destination UUIDs, as well as the MTU for this connection and the BNEP Channel ID, which is used for sending Ethernet packets over BNEP.

In client mode, BNEP_EVENT_OPEN_CHANNEL_COMPLETE is received after a client has connected or when the connection fails. The status field returns the error code. It is otherwise identical to BNEP_EVENT_INCOMING_CONNECTION before.

If there is a timeout during the connection setup, BNEP_EVENT_CHANNEL_TIMEOUT will be received and the BNEP connection will be closed

BNEP_EVENT_CHANNEL_CLOSED is received when the connection gets closed.

BNEP_EVENT_READY_TO_SEND indicates that a new packet can be send. This triggers the retry of a parked network packet. If this succeeds, the data source element is added to the run loop again.

Ethernet packets from the remote device are received in the packet handler with type BNEP_DATA_PACKET. It is forwarded to the TAP interface.

gatt_browser: GATT Client - Discovering primary services and their characteristics

This example shows how to use the GATT Client API to discover primary services and their characteristics of the first found device that is advertising its services.

The logic is divided between the HCI and GATT client packet handlers. The HCI packet handler is responsible for finding a remote device, connecting to it, and for starting the first GATT client query. Then, the GATT client packet handler receives all primary services and requests the characteristics of the last one to keep the example short.

GATT client setup

In the setup phase, a GATT client must register the HCI and GATT client packet handlers, as shown in Listing here. Additionally, the security manager can be setup, if signed writes, or encrypted, or authenticated connection are required, to access the characteristics, as explained in Section on SMP.

static uint16_t gc_id;

// Handles connect, disconnect, and advertising report events,  
// starts the GATT client, and sends the first query.
static void handle_hci_event(void * connection, uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size);

// Handles GATT client query results, sends queries and the 
// GAP disconnect command when the querying is done.
void handle_gatt_client_event(le_event_t * event);

static void gatt_client_setup(void){
  // Initialize L2CAP and register HCI event handler

  // Initialize GATT client 
  // Register handler for GATT client events
  gc_id = gatt_client_register_packet_handler(&handle_gatt_client_event);

  // Optinoally, Setup security manager

HCI packet handler

The HCI packet handler has to start the scanning, to find the first advertising device, to stop scanning, to connect to and later to disconnect from it, to start the GATT client upon the connection is completed, and to send the first query - in this case the gatt_client_discover_primary_services() is called, see Listing here.

static void handle_hci_event(void * connection, uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){
  if (packet_type != HCI_EVENT_PACKET) return;
  advertising_report_t report;

  uint8_t event = packet[0];
  switch (event) {
      // BTstack activated, get started
      if (packet[2] != HCI_STATE_WORKING) break;
      if (cmdline_addr_found){
        printf("Trying to connect to %s\n", bd_addr_to_str(cmdline_addr));
        le_central_connect(cmdline_addr, 0);
      printf("BTstack activated, start scanning!\n");
      le_central_set_scan_parameters(0,0x0030, 0x0030);
      fill_advertising_report_from_packet(&report, packet);
      // stop scanning, and connect to the device
      // wait for connection complete
      if (packet[2] !=  HCI_SUBEVENT_LE_CONNECTION_COMPLETE) break;
      gc_handle = READ_BT_16(packet, 4);
      // query primary services
      gatt_client_discover_primary_services(gc_id, gc_handle);
      printf("\nGATT browser - DISCONNECTED\n");

GATT Client event handler

Query results and further queries are handled by the GATT client packet handler, as shown in Listing here. Here, upon receiving the primary services, the gatt_client_discover_characteristics_for_service() query for the last received service is sent. After receiving the characteristics for the service, gap_disconnect is called to terminate the connection. Upon disconnect, the HCI packet handler receives the disconnect complete event.

static int search_services = 1;

void handle_gatt_client_event(le_event_t * event){
  le_service_t service;
  le_characteristic_t characteristic;
      service = ((le_service_event_t *) event)->service;
      services[service_count++] = service;
      characteristic = ((le_characteristic_event_t *) event)->characteristic;
      if (search_services){
        // GATT_QUERY_COMPLETE of search services 
        service_index = 0;
        printf("\nGATT browser - CHARACTERISTIC for SERVICE ");
        printUUID128(service.uuid128); printf("\n");
        search_services = 0;
        gatt_client_discover_characteristics_for_service(gc_id, gc_handle, &services[service_index]);
      } else {
        // GATT_QUERY_COMPLETE of search characteristics
        if (service_index < service_count) {
          service = services[service_index++];
          printf("\nGATT browser - CHARACTERISTIC for SERVICE ");
          printf(", [0x%04x-0x%04x]\n", service.start_group_handle, service.end_group_handle);

          gatt_client_discover_characteristics_for_service(gc_id, gc_handle, &service);
        service_index = 0;

le_counter: LE Peripheral - Heartbeat Counter over GATT

All newer operating systems provide GATT Client functionality. The LE Counter examples demonstrates how to specify a minimal GATT Database with a custom GATT Service and a custom Characteristic that sends periodic notifications.

Main Application Setup

Listing here shows main application code. It initializes L2CAP, the Security Manager and configures the ATT Server with the pre-compiled ATT Database generated from $le_counter.gatt$. Finally, it configures the advertisements and the heartbeat handler and boots the Bluetooth stack. In this example, the Advertisement contains the Flags attribute and the device name. The flag 0x06 indicates: LE General Discoverable Mode and BR/EDR not supported.

static int  le_notification_enabled;
static timer_source_t heartbeat;

static void packet_handler (void * connection, uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size);
static uint16_t att_read_callback(uint16_t con_handle, uint16_t att_handle, uint16_t offset, uint8_t * buffer, uint16_t buffer_size);
static int att_write_callback(uint16_t con_handle, uint16_t att_handle, uint16_t transaction_mode, uint16_t offset, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t buffer_size);
static void  heartbeat_handler(struct timer *ts);

const uint8_t adv_data[] = {
  // Flags general discoverable
  0x02, 0x01, 0x06, 
  // Name
  0x0b, 0x09, 'L', 'E', ' ', 'C', 'o', 'u', 'n', 't', 'e', 'r', 
const uint8_t adv_data_len = sizeof(adv_data);

static void le_counter_setup(void){

  // setup le device db

  // setup SM: Display only

  // setup ATT server
  att_server_init(profile_data, att_read_callback, att_write_callback);  

  // setup advertisements
  uint16_t adv_int_min = 0x0030;
  uint16_t adv_int_max = 0x0030;
  uint8_t adv_type = 0;
  bd_addr_t null_addr;
  memset(null_addr, 0, 6);
  gap_advertisements_set_params(adv_int_min, adv_int_max, adv_type, 0, null_addr, 0x07, 0x00);
  gap_advertisements_set_data(adv_data_len, (uint8_t*) adv_data);

  // set one-shot timer
  heartbeat.process = &heartbeat_handler;
  run_loop_set_timer(&heartbeat, HEARTBEAT_PERIOD_MS);

Packet Handler

The packet handler is only used to stop the counter after a disconnect

static void packet_handler (void * connection, uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){
    switch (packet_type) {
        case HCI_EVENT_PACKET:
            switch (packet[0]) {
          le_notification_enabled = 0;

Heartbeat Handler

The heartbeat handler updates the value of the single Characteristic provided in this example, and sends a notification for this characteristic if enabled, see Listing here.

static int  counter = 0;
static char counter_string[30];
static int  counter_string_len;

static void  heartbeat_handler(struct timer *ts){
  if (le_notification_enabled) {
    counter_string_len = sprintf(counter_string, "BTstack counter %04u", counter);
    att_server_notify(ATT_CHARACTERISTIC_0000FF11_0000_1000_8000_00805F9B34FB_01_VALUE_HANDLE, (uint8_t*) counter_string, counter_string_len);
  run_loop_set_timer(ts, HEARTBEAT_PERIOD_MS);

ATT Read

The ATT Server handles all reads to constant data. For dynamic data like the custom characteristic, the registered att_read_callback is called. To handle long characteristics and long reads, the att_read_callback is first called with buffer == NULL, to request the total value length. Then it will be called again requesting a chunk of the value. See Listing here.

// ATT Client Read Callback for Dynamic Data
// - if buffer == NULL, don't copy data, just return size of value
// - if buffer != NULL, copy data and return number bytes copied
// @param offset defines start of attribute value
static uint16_t att_read_callback(uint16_t con_handle, uint16_t att_handle, uint16_t offset, uint8_t * buffer, uint16_t buffer_size){
  if (att_handle == ATT_CHARACTERISTIC_0000FF11_0000_1000_8000_00805F9B34FB_01_VALUE_HANDLE){
    if (buffer){
      memcpy(buffer, &counter_string[offset], counter_string_len - offset);
    return counter_string_len - offset;
  return 0;

ATT Write

The only valid ATT write in this example is to the Client Characteristic Configuration, which configures notification and indication. If the ATT handle matches the client configuration handle, the new configuration value is stored and used in the heartbeat handler to decide if a new value should be sent. See Listing here.

static int att_write_callback(uint16_t con_handle, uint16_t att_handle, uint16_t transaction_mode, uint16_t offset, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t buffer_size){
  if (att_handle != ATT_CHARACTERISTIC_0000FF11_0000_1000_8000_00805F9B34FB_01_CLIENT_CONFIGURATION_HANDLE) return 0;
  return 0;

le_streamer: LE Peripheral - Stream data over GATT

All newer operating systems provide GATT Client functionality. This example shows how to get a maximal throughput via BLE:

  • send whenever possible
  • use the max ATT MTU

Main Application Setup

Listing here shows main application code. It initializes L2CAP, the Security Manager, and configures the ATT Server with the pre-compiled ATT Database generated from $le_streamer.gatt$. Finally, it configures the advertisements and boots the Bluetooth stack.

static void le_streamer_setup(void){

  // setup le device db

  // setup SM: Display only

  // setup ATT server
  att_server_init(profile_data, NULL, att_write_callback);  

  // setup advertisements
  uint16_t adv_int_min = 0x0030;
  uint16_t adv_int_max = 0x0030;
  uint8_t adv_type = 0;
  bd_addr_t null_addr;
  memset(null_addr, 0, 6);
  gap_advertisements_set_params(adv_int_min, adv_int_max, adv_type, 0, null_addr, 0x07, 0x00);
  gap_advertisements_set_data(adv_data_len, (uint8_t*) adv_data);

Track throughput

We calculate the throughput by setting a start time and measuring the amount of data sent. After a configurable REPORT_INTERVAL_MS, we print the throughput in kB/s and reset the counter and start time.

static uint32_t test_data_sent;
static uint32_t test_data_start;

static void test_reset(void){
  test_data_start = run_loop_get_time_ms();
  test_data_sent = 0;

static void test_track_sent(int bytes_sent){
  test_data_sent += test_data_len;
  // evaluate
  uint32_t now = run_loop_get_time_ms();
  uint32_t time_passed = now - test_data_start;
  if (time_passed < REPORT_INTERVAL_MS) return;
  // print speed
  int bytes_per_second = test_data_sent * 1000 / time_passed;
  printf("%u bytes sent-> %u.%03u kB/s\n", test_data_sent, bytes_per_second / 1000, bytes_per_second % 1000);

  // restart
  test_data_start = now;
  test_data_sent  = 0;

Packet Handler

The packet handler is used to stop the notifications and reset the MTU on connect It would also be a good place to request the connection parameter update as indicated in the commented code block.

static void packet_handler (uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){
  int mtu;
  switch (packet_type) {
      switch (packet[0]) {
          le_notification_enabled = 0;
        case HCI_EVENT_LE_META:
          switch (packet[2]) {
              test_data_len = ATT_DEFAULT_MTU - 3;
              conn_handle = READ_BT_16(packet, 4);
              // min con interval 20 ms 
              // res = gap_update_connection_parameters(conn_handle, 0x10, 0x10, 0, 0x0048);
              // l2cap_le_request_connection_parameter_update(conn_handle, 0x10, 0x18, 0, 0x0048);
              // printf("Connected, requesting conn param update for handle 0x%04x\n", conn_handle);
          mtu = READ_BT_16(packet, 4) - 3;
          printf("ATT MTU = %u\n", mtu);
          test_data_len = mtu - 3;
  // try sending whenever something happens


The streamer function checks if notifications are enabled and if a notification can be sent now. It creates some test data - a single letter that gets increased every time - and tracks the data sent.

static void streamer(void){
  // check if we can send
  if (!le_notification_enabled) return;
  if (!att_server_can_send()) return;

  // create test data
  int i;
  if (counter > 'Z') counter = 'A';
  for (i=0;i<sizeof(test_data);i++){
    test_data[i] = counter;

  // send
  att_server_notify(ATT_CHARACTERISTIC_0000FF11_0000_1000_8000_00805F9B34FB_01_VALUE_HANDLE, (uint8_t*) test_data, test_data_len);

  // track

ATT Write

The only valid ATT write in this example is to the Client Characteristic Configuration, which configures notification and indication. If the ATT handle matches the client configuration handle, the new configuration value is stored and used in the heartbeat handler to decide if a new value should be sent. See Listing here.

static int att_write_callback(uint16_t con_handle, uint16_t att_handle, uint16_t transaction_mode, uint16_t offset, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t buffer_size){
  if (att_handle != ATT_CHARACTERISTIC_0000FF11_0000_1000_8000_00805F9B34FB_01_CLIENT_CONFIGURATION_HANDLE) return 0;
  return 0;

spp_and_le_counter: Dual mode example

The SPP and LE Counter example combines the Bluetooth Classic SPP Counter and the Bluetooth LE Counter into a single application.

In this Section, we only point out the differences to the individual examples and how how the stack is configured.


The Flags attribute in the Advertisement Data indicates if a device is in dual-mode or not. Flag 0x02 indicates LE General Discoverable, Dual-Mode device. See Listing here.

const uint8_t adv_data[] = {
  // Flags: General Discoverable
  0x02, 0x01, 0x02, 
  // Name
  0x0b, 0x09, 'L', 'E', ' ', 'C', 'o', 'u', 'n', 't', 'e', 'r', 

Packet Handler

The packet handler of the combined example is just the combination of the individual packet handlers.

Heartbeat Handler

Similar to the packet handler, the heartbeat handler is the combination of the individual ones. After updating the counter, it sends an RFCOMM packet if an RFCOMM connection is active, and an LE notification if the remote side has requested notifications.

static void  heartbeat_handler(struct timer *ts){

  counter_string_len = sprintf(counter_string, "BTstack counter %04u\n", counter);
  // printf("%s", counter_string);

  if (rfcomm_channel_id){
    if (rfcomm_can_send_packet_now(rfcomm_channel_id)){
      int err = rfcomm_send_internal(rfcomm_channel_id, (uint8_t*) counter_string, counter_string_len);
      if (err) {
        log_error("rfcomm_send_internal -> error 0X%02x", err);

  if (le_notification_enabled) {
    att_server_notify(ATT_CHARACTERISTIC_0000FF11_0000_1000_8000_00805F9B34FB_01_VALUE_HANDLE, (uint8_t*) counter_string, counter_string_len);
  run_loop_set_timer(ts, HEARTBEAT_PERIOD_MS);

Main Application Setup

As with the packet and the heartbeat handlers, the combined app setup contains the code from the individual example setups.

int btstack_main(void);
int btstack_main(void)


  rfcomm_register_service_internal(NULL, RFCOMM_SERVER_CHANNEL, 0xffff);

  // init SDP, create record for SPP and register with SDP
  memset(spp_service_buffer, 0, sizeof(spp_service_buffer));
  service_record_item_t * service_record_item = (service_record_item_t *) spp_service_buffer;
  sdp_create_spp_service( (uint8_t*) &service_record_item->service_record, RFCOMM_SERVER_CHANNEL, "SPP Counter");
  printf("SDP service buffer size: %u\n", (uint16_t) (sizeof(service_record_item_t) + de_get_len((uint8_t*) &service_record_item->service_record)));
  sdp_register_service_internal(NULL, service_record_item);


  // setup le device db

  // setup SM: Display only

  // setup ATT server
  att_server_init(profile_data, att_read_callback, att_write_callback);  
  // set one-shot timer
  heartbeat.process = &heartbeat_handler;
  run_loop_set_timer(&heartbeat, HEARTBEAT_PERIOD_MS);

  // setup advertisements
  uint16_t adv_int_min = 0x0030;
  uint16_t adv_int_max = 0x0030;
  uint8_t adv_type = 0;
  bd_addr_t null_addr;
  memset(null_addr, 0, 6);
  gap_advertisements_set_params(adv_int_min, adv_int_max, adv_type, 0, null_addr, 0x07, 0x00);
  gap_advertisements_set_data(adv_data_len, (uint8_t*) adv_data);

  // turn on!

  return 0;