Device Database API


 * @brief init
void le_device_db_init(void);

 * @brief sets local bd addr. allows for db per Bluetooth controller
 * @param bd_addr
void le_device_db_set_local_bd_addr(bd_addr_t bd_addr);

 * @brief add device to db
 * @param addr_type, address of the device
 * @param irk of the device
 * @return index if successful, -1 otherwise
int le_device_db_add(int addr_type, bd_addr_t addr, sm_key_t irk);

 * @brief get number of devices in db
 * @return number of device in db
int le_device_db_count(void);

 * @brief get max number of devices in db for enumeration
 * @return max number of device in db
int le_device_db_max_count(void);

 * @brief get device information: addr type and address needed to identify device
 * @param index
 * @param addr_type, address of the device as output
 * @param irk of the device
void le_device_db_info(int index, int * addr_type, bd_addr_t addr, sm_key_t irk);

 * @brief set remote encryption info
 * @brief index
 * @brief ediv 
 * @brief rand
 * @brief ltk
 * @brief key size
 * @brief authenticated
 * @brief authorized
 * @breif secure_connection
void le_device_db_encryption_set(int index, uint16_t ediv, uint8_t rand[8], sm_key_t ltk, int key_size, int authenticated, int authorized, int secure_connection);

 * @brief get remote encryption info
 * @brief index
 * @brief ediv 
 * @brief rand
 * @brief ltk
 * @brief key size
 * @brief authenticated
 * @brief authorized
 * @breif secure_connection
void le_device_db_encryption_get(int index, uint16_t * ediv, uint8_t rand[8], sm_key_t ltk,  int * key_size, int * authenticated, int * authorized, int * secure_connection);


 * @brief set local signing key for this device
 * @param index
 * @param signing key as input
void le_device_db_local_csrk_set(int index, sm_key_t csrk);

 * @brief get local signing key for this device
 * @param index
 * @param signing key as output
void le_device_db_local_csrk_get(int index, sm_key_t csrk);

 * @brief set remote signing key for this device
 * @param index
 * @param signing key as input
void le_device_db_remote_csrk_set(int index, sm_key_t csrk);

 * @brief get remote signing key for this device
 * @param index
 * @param signing key as output
void le_device_db_remote_csrk_get(int index, sm_key_t csrk);

 * @brief query last used/seen signing counter
 * @param index
 * @return next expected counter, 0 after devices was added
uint32_t le_device_db_remote_counter_get(int index);

 * @brief update signing counter
 * @param index
 * @param counter to store
void le_device_db_remote_counter_set(int index, uint32_t counter);

 * @brief query last used/seen signing counter
 * @param index
 * @return next expected counter, 0 after devices was added
uint32_t le_device_db_local_counter_get(int index);

 * @brief update signing counter
 * @param index
 * @param counter to store
void le_device_db_local_counter_set(int index, uint32_t counter);


 * @brief free device
 * @param index
void le_device_db_remove(int index);

void le_device_db_dump(void);