src/l2cap.h : Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol

// PSM numbers from https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/assigned-numbers/logical-link-control 
// @TODO: scrape PSMs Bluetooth SIG site and put in bluetooth_psm.h or bluetooth_l2cap.h
#define PSM_HID_CONTROL   0x11
#define PSM_HID_INTERRUPT 0x13
#define PSM_ATT           0x1f
#define PSM_IPSP          0x23

 * @brief Set up L2CAP and register L2CAP with HCI layer.
void l2cap_init(void);

 * @brief Add event packet handler for LE Connection Parameter Update events
void l2cap_add_event_handler(btstack_packet_callback_registration_t * callback_handler);

 * @brief Remove event packet handler.
void l2cap_remove_event_handler(btstack_packet_callback_registration_t * callback_handler);

 * @brief Get max MTU for Classic connections based on btstack configuration
uint16_t l2cap_max_mtu(void);

 * @brief Get max MTU for LE connections based on btstack configuration
uint16_t l2cap_max_le_mtu(void);

* @brief Set the max MTU for LE connections, if not set l2cap_max_mtu() will be used.
void l2cap_set_max_le_mtu(uint16_t max_mtu);

 * @brief Creates L2CAP channel to the PSM of a remote device with baseband address. A new baseband connection will be initiated if necessary.
 * @param packet_handler
 * @param address
 * @param psm
 * @param mtu
 * @param local_cid
 * @return status
uint8_t l2cap_create_channel(btstack_packet_handler_t packet_handler, bd_addr_t address, uint16_t psm, uint16_t mtu, uint16_t * out_local_cid);

 * @brief Disconnects L2CAP channel with given identifier. 
 * @param local_cid
 * @return status ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS if successful or L2CAP_LOCAL_CID_DOES_NOT_EXIST
uint8_t l2cap_disconnect(uint16_t local_cid);

 * @brief Queries the maximal transfer unit (MTU) for L2CAP channel with given identifier. 
uint16_t l2cap_get_remote_mtu_for_local_cid(uint16_t local_cid);

 * @brief Sends L2CAP data packet to the channel with given identifier.
 * @note For channel in credit-based flow control mode, data needs to stay valid until .. event
 * @param local_cid
 * @param data to send
 * @param len of data
 * @return status
uint8_t l2cap_send(uint16_t local_cid, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t len);

 * @brief Registers L2CAP service with given PSM and MTU, and assigns a packet handler. 
 * @param packet_handler
 * @param psm
 * @param mtu
 * @param security_level
uint8_t l2cap_register_service(btstack_packet_handler_t packet_handler, uint16_t psm, uint16_t mtu, gap_security_level_t security_level);

 * @brief Unregisters L2CAP service with given PSM.
uint8_t l2cap_unregister_service(uint16_t psm);

 * @brief Accepts incoming L2CAP connection.
void l2cap_accept_connection(uint16_t local_cid);

 * @brief Deny incoming L2CAP connection.
void l2cap_decline_connection(uint16_t local_cid);

 * @brief Check if outgoing buffer is available and that there's space on the Bluetooth module
 * @return true if packet can be sent
bool l2cap_can_send_packet_now(uint16_t local_cid);

 * @brief Request emission of L2CAP_EVENT_CAN_SEND_NOW as soon as possible
 * @note L2CAP_EVENT_CAN_SEND_NOW might be emitted during call to this function
 *       so packet handler should be ready to handle it
 * @param local_cid
 * @return status
uint8_t l2cap_request_can_send_now_event(uint16_t local_cid);

 * @brief Reserve outgoing buffer
 * @note Only for L2CAP Basic Mode Channels
 * @note Must only be called after a 'can send now' check or event
 * @note Asserts if packet buffer is already reserved
void l2cap_reserve_packet_buffer(void);

 * @brief Get outgoing buffer and prepare data.
 * @note Only for L2CAP Basic Mode Channels
uint8_t *l2cap_get_outgoing_buffer(void);

 * @brief Send L2CAP packet prepared in outgoing buffer to channel
 * @note Only for L2CAP Basic Mode Channels
uint8_t l2cap_send_prepared(uint16_t local_cid, uint16_t len);

 * @brief Release outgoing buffer (only needed if l2cap_send_prepared is not called)
 * @note Only for L2CAP Basic Mode Channels
void l2cap_release_packet_buffer(void);

// Connection-Oriented Channels in Enhanced Retransmission Mode - ERTM

 * @brief Creates L2CAP channel to the PSM of a remote device with baseband address using Enhanced Retransmission Mode.
 *        A new baseband connection will be initiated if necessary.
 * @param packet_handler
 * @param address
 * @param psm
 * @param ertm_config
 * @param buffer to store reassembled rx packet, out-of-order packets and unacknowledged outgoing packets with their tretransmission timers
 * @param size of buffer
 * @param local_cid
 * @return status
uint8_t l2cap_ertm_create_channel(btstack_packet_handler_t packet_handler, bd_addr_t address, uint16_t psm,
                                  l2cap_ertm_config_t * ertm_contig, uint8_t * buffer, uint32_t size, uint16_t * out_local_cid);

 * @brief Accepts incoming L2CAP connection for Enhanced Retransmission Mode
 * @param local_cid
 * @param ertm_config
 * @param buffer to store reassembled rx packet, out-of-order packets and unacknowledged outgoing packets with their tretransmission timers
 * @param size of buffer
 * @return status
uint8_t l2cap_ertm_accept_connection(uint16_t local_cid, l2cap_ertm_config_t * ertm_contig, uint8_t * buffer, uint32_t size);

 * @brief Deny incoming incoming L2CAP connection for Enhanced Retransmission Mode
 * @param local_cid
 * @return status
uint8_t l2cap_ertm_decline_connection(uint16_t local_cid);

 * @brief ERTM Set channel as busy.
 * @note Can be cleared by l2cap_ertm_set_ready
 * @param local_cid
 * @return status
uint8_t l2cap_ertm_set_busy(uint16_t local_cid);

 * @brief ERTM Set channel as ready
 * @note Used after l2cap_ertm_set_busy
 * @param local_cid
 * @return status
uint8_t l2cap_ertm_set_ready(uint16_t local_cid);

// L2CAP Connection-Oriented Channels in LE Credit-Based Flow-Control Mode - CBM

 * @brief Register L2CAP service in LE Credit-Based Flow-Control Mode
 * @note MTU and initial credits are specified in l2cap_cbm_accept_connection(..) call
 * @param packet_handler
 * @param psm
 * @param security_level
uint8_t l2cap_cbm_register_service(btstack_packet_handler_t packet_handler, uint16_t psm, gap_security_level_t security_level);

 * @brief Unregister L2CAP service in LE Credit-Based Flow-Control Mode
 * @param psm

uint8_t l2cap_cbm_unregister_service(uint16_t psm);

 * @brief Accept incoming connection LE Credit-Based Flow-Control Mode
 * @param local_cid             L2CAP Channel Identifier
 * @param receive_buffer        buffer used for reassembly of L2CAP LE Information Frames into service data unit (SDU) with given MTU
 * @param receive_buffer_size   buffer size equals MTU
 * @param initial_credits       Number of initial credits provided to peer or L2CAP_LE_AUTOMATIC_CREDITS to enable automatic credits

uint8_t l2cap_cbm_accept_connection(uint16_t local_cid, uint8_t * receive_sdu_buffer, uint16_t mtu, uint16_t initial_credits);

 * @brief Deecline connection in LE Credit-Based Flow-Control Mode
 * @param local_cid             L2CAP Channel Identifier
 * @param result                result, see L2CAP_CBM_CONNECTION_RESULT_SUCCESS in bluetooth.h

uint8_t l2cap_cbm_decline_connection(uint16_t local_cid, uint16_t result);

 * @brief Create outgoing channel in LE Credit-Based Flow-Control Mode
 * @param packet_handler        Packet handler for this connection
 * @param con_handle            HCI Connection Handle, LE transport
 * @param psm                   Service PSM to connect to
 * @param receive_buffer        buffer used for reassembly of L2CAP LE Information Frames into service data unit (SDU) with given MTU
 * @param receive_buffer_size   buffer size equals MTU
 * @param initial_credits       Number of initial credits provided to peer or L2CAP_LE_AUTOMATIC_CREDITS to enable automatic credits
 * @param security_level        Minimum required security level
 * @param out_local_cid         L2CAP LE Channel Identifier is stored here
uint8_t l2cap_cbm_create_channel(btstack_packet_handler_t packet_handler, hci_con_handle_t con_handle,
    uint16_t psm, uint8_t * receive_sdu_buffer, uint16_t mtu, uint16_t initial_credits, gap_security_level_t security_level,
    uint16_t * out_local_cid);

 * @brief Provide credits for channel in LE Credit-Based Flow-Control Mode
 * @param local_cid             L2CAP Channel Identifier
 * @param credits               Number additional credits for peer
uint8_t l2cap_cbm_provide_credits(uint16_t local_cid, uint16_t credits);

// L2CAP Connection-Oriented Channels in Enhanced Credit-Based Flow-Control Mode - ECBM

 * @brief Register L2CAP service in Enhanced Credit-Based Flow-Control Mode
 * @note MTU and initial credits are specified in l2cap_enhanced_accept_connection(..) call
 * @param packet_handler
 * @param psm
 * @param min_remote_mtu
 * @param security_level
 * @oaram authorization_required
 * @return status
uint8_t l2cap_ecbm_register_service(btstack_packet_handler_t packet_handler, uint16_t psm, uint16_t min_remote_mtu,
                                    gap_security_level_t security_level, bool authorization_required);

 * @brief Unregister L2CAP service in Enhanced Credit-Based Flow-Control Mode
 * @param psm
 * @return status

uint8_t l2cap_ecbm_unregister_service(uint16_t psm);

 * @brief Set Minimal MPS for channel in Enhanced Credit-Based Flow-Control Mode
 * @param mps_min
void l2cap_ecbm_mps_set_min(uint16_t mps_min);

 * @brief Set Minimal MPS for channel in Enhanced Credit-Based Flow-Control Mode
 * @param mps_max
void l2cap_ecbm_mps_set_max(uint16_t mps_max);

 * @brief Create outgoing channel in Enhanced Credit-Based Flow-Control Mode
 * @note receive_buffer points to an array of receive buffers with num_channels elements
 * @note out_local_cid points to an array where CID is stored with num_channel elements
 * @param packet_handler        Packet handler for this connection
 * @param con_handle            HCI Connection Handle
 * @param security_level        Minimum required security level
 * @param psm                   Service PSM to connect to
 * @param num_channels          number of channels to create
 * @param initial_credits       Number of initial credits provided to peer per channel or L2CAP_LE_AUTOMATIC_CREDITS to enable automatic credits
 * @param receive_buffer_size   buffer size equals MTU
 * @param receive_buffers       Array of buffers used for reassembly of L2CAP Information Frames into service data unit (SDU) with given MTU
 * @param out_local_cids        Array of L2CAP Channel Identifiers is stored here on success
 * @return status
uint8_t l2cap_ecbm_create_channels(btstack_packet_handler_t packet_handler, hci_con_handle_t con_handle,
                                       gap_security_level_t security_level,
                                       uint16_t psm, uint8_t num_channels, uint16_t initial_credits, uint16_t receive_buffer_size,
                                       uint8_t ** receive_buffers, uint16_t * out_local_cids);

 * @brief  Accept incoming connection Enhanced Credit-Based Flow-Control Mode
 * @param local_cid            from L2CAP_EVENT_INCOMING_DATA_CONNECTION
 * @param num_channels
 * @param initial_credits      Number of initial credits provided to peer per channel or L2CAP_LE_AUTOMATIC_CREDITS to enable automatic credits
 * @param receive_buffer_size
 * @param receive_buffers      Array of buffers used for reassembly of L2CAP Information Frames into service data unit (SDU) with given MTU
 * @param out_local_cids       Array of L2CAP Channel Identifiers is stored here on success
 * @return status
uint8_t l2cap_ecbm_accept_channels(uint16_t local_cid, uint8_t num_channels, uint16_t initial_credits,
                                            uint16_t receive_buffer_size, uint8_t ** receive_buffers, uint16_t * out_local_cids);
 * @brief Decline connection in Enhanced Credit-Based Flow-Control Mode
 * @param local_cid           from L2CAP_EVENT_INCOMING_DATA_CONNECTION
 * @param result              See L2CAP_ECBM_CONNECTION_RESULT_ALL_SUCCESS in bluetooth.h
 * @return status
uint8_t l2cap_ecbm_decline_channels(uint16_t local_cid, uint16_t result);

 * @brief Provide credits for channel in Enhanced Credit-Based Flow-Control Mode
 * @param local_cid             L2CAP Channel Identifier
 * @param credits               Number additional credits for peer
 * @return status
uint8_t l2cap_ecbm_provide_credits(uint16_t local_cid, uint16_t credits);

 * @brief Request emission of L2CAP_EVENT_ECBM_CAN_SEND_NOW as soon as possible
 * @note L2CAP_EVENT_ECBM_CAN_SEND_NOW might be emitted during call to this function
 *       so packet handler should be ready to handle it
 * @param local_cid             L2CAP Channel Identifier
 * @return status
uint8_t l2cap_ecbm_request_can_send_now_event(uint16_t local_cid);

 * @brief Reconfigure MPS/MTU of local channels
 * @param num_cids
 * @param local_cids            array of local_cids to reconfigure
 * @param receive_buffer_size   buffer size equals MTU
 * @param receive_buffers       Array of buffers used for reassembly of L2CAP Information Frames into service data unit (SDU) with given MTU
 * @return status
uint8_t l2cap_ecbm_reconfigure_channels(uint8_t num_cids, uint16_t * local_cids, int16_t receive_buffer_size, uint8_t ** receive_buffers);

 * @brief Trigger pending connection responses after pairing completed
 * @note Must be called after receiving an SM_PAIRING_COMPLETE event, will be removed eventually
 * @param con_handle
void l2cap_ecbm_trigger_pending_connection_responses(hci_con_handle_t con_handle);

 * @brief De-Init L2CAP
void l2cap_deinit(void);