Sample rate compensation API

src/btstack_sample_rate_compensation.h : Prevents buffer over/under-run at the audio receiver by compensating for varying/different playback/receiving sample rates.

Intended to measure the L2CAP packet sample rate and with the provided playback sample rate calculates a compensation ratio which compensates for drift between playback and reception.

Requires the audio interface to provide the current playback sample rate.

#define FLOAT_TO_Q15(a)   ((signed)((a)*(UINT16_C(1)<<15)+0.5f))
#define FLOAT_TO_Q8(a)    ((signed)((a)*(UINT16_C(1)<<8)+0.5f))
#define FLOAT_TO_Q7(a)    ((signed)((a)*(UINT16_C(1)<<7)+0.5f))

#define Q16_TO_FLOAT(a)   ((float)(a)/(UINT32_C(1)<<16))
#define Q15_TO_FLOAT(a)   ((float)(a)/(UINT32_C(1)<<15))
#define Q8_TO_FLOAT(a)    ((float)(a)/(UINT32_C(1)<<8))
#define Q7_TO_FLOAT(a)    ((float)(a)/(UINT32_C(1)<<7))


typedef struct {
    uint32_t count;         // 17bit are usable to count samples, recommended for max 96kHz
    uint32_t last;          // time stamp of last measurement
    uint32_t rate_state;    // unsigned Q17.8
    uint32_t ratio_state;   // unsigned Q16.16
    uint32_t constant_playback_sample_rate; // playback sample rate if no real one is available
    double sample_rate;
    double ratio;
} btstack_sample_rate_compensation_t;

 * @brief Initialize sample rate compensation
 * @param self pointer to current instance
 * @param time stamp at which to start sample rate measurement
void btstack_sample_rate_compensation_init( btstack_sample_rate_compensation_t *self, uint32_t timestamp_ms, uint32_t sample_rate, uint32_t ratioQ15 );

 * @brief reset sample rate compensation
 * @param self pointer to current instance
 * @param time stamp at which to start sample rate measurement
void btstack_sample_rate_compensation_reset( btstack_sample_rate_compensation_t *self, uint32_t timestamp_ms );

 * @brief update sample rate compensation with the current playback sample rate decoded samples
 * @param self pointer to current instance
 * @param time stamp for current samples
 * @param samples for current time stamp
 * @param playback sample rate
uint32_t btstack_sample_rate_compensation_update( btstack_sample_rate_compensation_t *self, uint32_t timestamp_ms, uint32_t samples, uint32_t playback_sample_rate );