SDP Client API
typedef struct de_state {
uint8_t in_state_GET_DE_HEADER_LENGTH ;
uint32_t addon_header_bytes;
uint32_t de_size;
uint32_t de_offset;
} de_state_t;
void de_state_init(de_state_t * state);
int de_state_size(uint8_t eventByte, de_state_t *de_state);
* @brief SDP Client Init
void sdp_client_init(void);
* @brief Checks if the SDP Client is ready
* @deprecated Please use sdp_client_register_query_callback instead
* @return true when no query is active
bool sdp_client_ready(void);
* @brief Requests a callback, when the SDP Client is ready and can be used
* @note The callback might happens before sdp_client_register_query_callback has returned
* @param callback_registration
uint8_t sdp_client_register_query_callback(btstack_context_callback_registration_t * callback_registration);
* @brief Queries the SDP service of the remote device given a service search pattern and a list of attribute IDs.
* The remote data is handled by the SDP parser. The SDP parser delivers attribute values and done event via the callback.
* @param callback for attributes values and done event
* @param remote address
* @param des_service_search_pattern
* @param des_attribute_id_list
uint8_t sdp_client_query(btstack_packet_handler_t callback, bd_addr_t remote, const uint8_t * des_service_search_pattern, const uint8_t * des_attribute_id_list);
* @brief Searches SDP records on a remote device for all services with a given UUID.
* @note calls sdp_client_query with service search pattern based on uuid16
uint8_t sdp_client_query_uuid16(btstack_packet_handler_t callback, bd_addr_t remote, uint16_t uuid16);
* @brief Searches SDP records on a remote device for all services with a given UUID.
* @note calls sdp_client_query with service search pattern based on uuid128
uint8_t sdp_client_query_uuid128(btstack_packet_handler_t callback, bd_addr_t remote, const uint8_t* uuid128);
* @brief Retrieves all attribute IDs of a SDP record specified by its service record handle and a list of attribute IDs.
* The remote data is handled by the SDP parser. The SDP parser delivers attribute values and done event via the callback.
* @note only provided if ENABLE_SDP_EXTRA_QUERIES is defined
* @param callback for attributes values and done event
* @param remote address
* @param search_service_record_handle
* @param des_attributeIDList
uint8_t sdp_client_service_attribute_search(btstack_packet_handler_t callback, bd_addr_t remote, uint32_t search_service_record_handle, const uint8_t * des_attributeIDList);
* @brief Query the list of SDP records that match a given service search pattern.
* The remote data is handled by the SDP parser. The SDP parser delivers attribute values and done event via the callback.
* @note only provided if ENABLE_SDP_EXTRA_QUERIES is defined
* @param callback for attributes values and done event
* @param remote address
* @param des_service_search_pattern
uint8_t sdp_client_service_search(btstack_packet_handler_t callback, bd_addr_t remote, const uint8_t * des_service_search_pattern);
void sdp_client_parse_service_record_handle_list(uint8_t* packet, uint16_t total_count, uint16_t current_count);
* @brief De-Init SDP Client
void sdp_client_deinit(void);