
 * Setup PhoneBook Access Client
void pbap_client_init(void);

 * @brief Create PBAP connection to a Phone Book Server (PSE) server on a remote device.
 * If the server requires authentication, a PBAP_SUBEVENT_AUTHENTICATION_REQUEST is emitted, which
 * can be answered with pbap_authentication_password(..).
 * The status of PBAP connection establishment is reported via PBAP_SUBEVENT_CONNECTION_OPENED event,
 * i.e. on success status field is set to ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS.
 * This function allows for multiple parallel connections.
 * @param client storage for connection state. Must stay valid until connection closes
 * @param l2cap_ertm_config
 * @param l2cap_ertm_buffer_size
 * @param l2cap_ertm_buffer
 * @param handler
 * @param addr
 * @param out_cid to use for further commands
 * @return status ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS on success, otherwise BTSTACK_MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED if PBAP or GOEP connection already exists.

uint8_t pbap_client_connect(pbap_client_t * client, l2cap_ertm_config_t *l2cap_ertm_config, uint8_t *l2cap_ertm_buffer,
                            uint16_t l2cap_ertm_buffer_size, btstack_packet_handler_t handler, bd_addr_t addr, uint16_t * out_cid);

 * @brief Create PBAP connection to a Phone Book Server (PSE) server on a remote device. 
 * If the server requires authentication, a PBAP_SUBEVENT_AUTHENTICATION_REQUEST is emitted, which
 * can be answered with pbap_authentication_password(..).
 * The status of PBAP connection establishment is reported via PBAP_SUBEVENT_CONNECTION_OPENED event, 
 * i.e. on success status field is set to ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS.
 * This function uses a single pbap_client_t and l2cap ertm buffer instance and can only be used for a single connection.
 * Fur multiple parallel connections, use pbap_client_connect.
 * @param handler 
 * @param addr
 * @param out_cid to use for further commands
 * @return status ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS on success, otherwise BTSTACK_MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED if PBAP or GOEP connection already exists.  
uint8_t pbap_connect(btstack_packet_handler_t handler, bd_addr_t addr, uint16_t * out_cid);

 * Create SDP Record for Phonebook Access Client
 * @param service
 * @param service_record_handle
 * @param service_name
void pbap_client_create_sdp_record(uint8_t *service, uint32_t service_record_handle, const char *service_name);

 * @brief Provide password for OBEX Authentication after receiving PBAP_SUBEVENT_AUTHENTICATION_REQUEST.
 * The status of PBAP connection establishment is reported via PBAP_SUBEVENT_CONNECTION_OPENED event, 
 * i.e. on success status field is set to ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS.
 * @param pbap_cid
 * @param password (null terminated string) - not copied, needs to stay valid until connection completed
 * @return status ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS on success, otherwise BTSTACK_BUSY if in a wrong state.
uint8_t pbap_authentication_password(uint16_t pbap_cid, const char * password);

 * @brief Disconnects PBAP connection with given identifier.
 * Event PBAP_SUBEVENT_CONNECTION_CLOSED indicates that PBAP connection is closed.
 * @param pbap_cid
 * @return status ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS on success, otherwise BTSTACK_BUSY if in a wrong state.
uint8_t pbap_disconnect(uint16_t pbap_cid);

 * @brief Set current folder on PSE. The status is reported via PBAP_SUBEVENT_OPERATION_COMPLETED event. 
 * @param pbap_cid
 * @param path - note: path is not copied
 * @return status ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS on success, otherwise BTSTACK_BUSY if in a wrong state.
uint8_t pbap_set_phonebook(uint16_t pbap_cid, const char * path);

 * @brief Set vCard Selector for get/pull phonebook. No event is emitted.
 * @param pbap_cid
 * @param vcard_selector - combination of PBAP_PROPERTY_MASK_* properties
 * @return status ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS on success, otherwise BTSTACK_BUSY if in a wrong state.
uint8_t pbap_set_vcard_selector(uint16_t pbap_cid, uint32_t vcard_selector);

 * @brief Set vCard Selector for get/pull phonebook. No event is emitted.
 * @param pbap_cid
 * @param vcard_selector_operator - PBAP_VCARD_SELECTOR_OPERATOR_OR (default) or PBAP_VCARD_SELECTOR_OPERATOR_AND
 * @return status ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS on success, otherwise BTSTACK_BUSY if in a wrong state.
uint8_t pbap_set_vcard_selector_operator(uint16_t pbap_cid, int vcard_selector_operator);

 * @brief Set Property Selector. No event is emitted.
 * @param pbap_cid
 * @param property_selector - combination of PBAP_PROPERTY_MASK_* properties
 * @return
uint8_t pbap_set_property_selector(uint16_t pbap_cid, uint32_t property_selector);

 * @brief Set number of items returned by pull phonebook.
 * @param pbap_cid
 * @param max_list_count
 * @return
uint8_t pbap_set_max_list_count(uint16_t pbap_cid, uint16_t max_list_count);

 * @bbrief Set start offset for pull phonebook
 * @param pbap_cid
 * @param list_start_offset
 * @return
uint8_t pbap_set_list_start_offset(uint16_t pbap_cid, uint16_t list_start_offset);

 * @bbrief Set order for pbap_pull_vcard_listing
 * @param pbap_cid
 * @param order
 * @return
uint8_t pbap_set_order(uint16_t pbap_cid, uint8_t order);

 * @bbrief Set search property for pbap_pull_vcard_listing
 * @param pbap_cid
 * @param search_property
 * @return
uint8_t pbap_set_search_property(uint16_t pbap_cid, uint8_t search_property);

 * @bbrief Set search property for pbap_pull_vcard_listing
 * @param pbap_cid
 * @param search_value
 * @return
uint8_t pbap_set_search_value(uint16_t pbap_cid, const char * search_value);

 * @brief Get size of phone book from PSE. The result is reported via PBAP_SUBEVENT_PHONEBOOK_SIZE event. 
 * @param pbap_cid
 * @param path - note: path is not copied, common path 'telecom/pb.vcf'
 * @return status ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS on success, otherwise BTSTACK_BUSY if in a wrong state.
uint8_t pbap_get_phonebook_size(uint16_t pbap_cid, const char * path);

 * @brief Pull phone book from PSE. The result is reported via registered packet handler (see pbap_connect function),
 * with packet type set to PBAP_DATA_PACKET. Event PBAP_SUBEVENT_OPERATION_COMPLETED marks the end of the phone book. 
 * @param pbap_cid
 * @param path - note: path is not copied, common path 'telecom/pb.vcf'
 * @return status ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS on success, otherwise BTSTACK_BUSY if in a wrong state.
uint8_t pbap_pull_phonebook(uint16_t pbap_cid, const char * path);

 * @brief Pull vCard listing. vCard data is emitted via PBAP_SUBEVENT_CARD_RESULT event. 
 * Event PBAP_SUBEVENT_OPERATION_COMPLETED marks the end of vCard listing.
 * @param pbap_cid
 * @param path
 * @return status ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS on success, otherwise BTSTACK_BUSY if in a wrong state.
uint8_t pbap_pull_vcard_listing(uint16_t pbap_cid, const char * path);

 * @brief Pull vCard entry. The result is reported via callback (see pbap_connect function),
 * with packet type set to PBAP_DATA_PACKET.
 * Event PBAP_SUBEVENT_OPERATION_COMPLETED marks the end of the vCard entry.
 * @param pbap_cid
 * @param path
 * @return status ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS on success, otherwise BTSTACK_BUSY if in a wrong state.
uint8_t pbap_pull_vcard_entry(uint16_t pbap_cid, const char * path);

 * @brief Lookup contact(s) by phone number. vCard data is emitted via PBAP_SUBEVENT_CARD_RESULT event. 
 * Event PBAP_SUBEVENT_OPERATION_COMPLETED marks the end of the lookup.
 * @param pbap_cid
 * @param phone_number
 * @return status ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS on success, otherwise BTSTACK_BUSY if in a wrong state.
uint8_t pbap_lookup_by_number(uint16_t pbap_cid, const char * phone_number);

 * @brief Abort current operation. No event is emitted.
 * @param pbap_cid
 * @return status ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS on success, otherwise BTSTACK_BUSY if in a wrong state.
uint8_t pbap_abort(uint16_t pbap_cid);

 * @brief Set flow control mode - default is off. No event is emitted.
 * @note When enabled, pbap_next_packet needs to be called after a packet was processed to receive the next one
 * @param pbap_cid
 * @return status ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS on success, otherwise BTSTACK_BUSY if in a wrong state.
uint8_t pbap_set_flow_control_mode(uint16_t pbap_cid, int enable);

 * @brief Trigger next packet from PSE when Flow Control Mode is enabled.
 * @param pbap_cid
 * @return status ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS on success, otherwise BTSTACK_BUSY if in a wrong state.
uint8_t pbap_next_packet(uint16_t pbap_cid);

 * @brief De-Init PBAP Client
void pbap_client_deinit(void);