Runtine ATT Database Setup API
src/ble/att_db_util.h : Helper to construct ATT DB at runtime (BTstack GATT Compiler is not used).
* @brief Init ATT DB storage
void att_db_util_init(void);
* @brief Set handle value for next table entry
* @param handle
* @note new handle must be >= previous to avoid reusing assigned handles
void att_db_util_set_next_handle(uint16_t handle);
* @brief Add primary service for 16-bit UUID
* @param uuid16
* @return attribute handle for the new service definition
uint16_t att_db_util_add_service_uuid16(uint16_t uuid16);
* @brief Add primary service for 128-bit UUID
* @param uuid128
* @return attribute handle for the new service definition
uint16_t att_db_util_add_service_uuid128(const uint8_t * uuid128);
* @brief Add secondary service for 16-bit UUID
* @param uuid16
* @return attribute handle for the new service definition
uint16_t att_db_util_add_secondary_service_uuid16(uint16_t uuid16);
* @brief Add secondary service for 128-bit UUID
* @param uuid128
* @return attribute handle for the new service definition
uint16_t att_db_util_add_secondary_service_uuid128(const uint8_t * uuid128);
* @brief Add included service with 16-bit UUID
* @param start_group_handle
* @param end_group_handle
* @param uuid16
* @return attribute handle for the new service definition
uint16_t att_db_util_add_included_service_uuid16(uint16_t start_group_handle, uint16_t end_group_handle, uint16_t uuid16);
* @brief Add Characteristic with 16-bit UUID, properties, and data
* @param uuid16
* @param properties - see ATT_PROPERTY_* in src/bluetooth.h
* @param read_permissions - see ATT_SECURITY_* in src/bluetooth.h
* @param write_permissions - see ATT_SECURITY_* in src/bluetooth.h
* @param data returned in read operations if ATT_PROPERTY_DYNAMIC is not specified
* @param data_len
* @return attribute handle of the new characteristic value declaration
* @note If properties contains ATT_PROPERTY_NOTIFY or ATT_PROPERTY_INDICATE flags, a Client Configuration Characteristic Descriptor (CCCD)
* is created as well. The attribute value handle of the CCCD is the attribute value handle plus 1
uint16_t att_db_util_add_characteristic_uuid16(uint16_t uuid16, uint16_t properties, uint8_t read_permission, uint8_t write_permission, uint8_t * data, uint16_t data_len);
* @brief Add Characteristic with 128-bit UUID, properties, and data
* @param uuid128
* @param properties - see ATT_PROPERTY_* in src/bluetooth.h
* @param read_permissions - see ATT_SECURITY_* in src/bluetooth.h
* @param write_permissions - see ATT_SECURITY_* in src/bluetooth.h
* @param data returned in read operations if ATT_PROPERTY_DYNAMIC is not specified
* @param data_len
* @return attribute handle of the new characteristic value declaration
* @note If properties contains ATT_PROPERTY_NOTIFY or ATT_PROPERTY_INDICATE flags, a Client Configuration Characteristic Descriptor (CCCD)
* is created as well. The attribute value handle of the CCCD is the attribute value handle plus 1
uint16_t att_db_util_add_characteristic_uuid128(const uint8_t * uuid128, uint16_t properties, uint8_t read_permission, uint8_t write_permission, uint8_t * data, uint16_t data_len);
* @brief Add descriptor with 16-bit UUID, properties, and data
* @param uuid16
* @param properties - see ATT_PROPERTY_* in src/bluetooth.h
* @param read_permissions - see ATT_SECURITY_* in src/bluetooth.h
* @param write_permissions - see ATT_SECURITY_* in src/bluetooth.h
* @param data returned in read operations if ATT_PROPERTY_DYNAMIC is not specified
* @param data_len
* @return attribute handle of the new characteristic descriptor declaration
uint16_t att_db_util_add_descriptor_uuid16(uint16_t uuid16, uint16_t properties, uint8_t read_permission, uint8_t write_permission, uint8_t * data, uint16_t data_len);
* @brief Add descriptor with 128-bit UUID, properties, and data
* @param uuid128
* @param properties - see ATT_PROPERTY_* in src/bluetooth.h
* @param read_permissions - see ATT_SECURITY_* in src/bluetooth.h
* @param write_permissions - see ATT_SECURITY_* in src/bluetooth.h
* @param data returned in read operations if ATT_PROPERTY_DYNAMIC is not specified
* @param data_len
* @return attribute handle of the new characteristic descriptor declaration
uint16_t att_db_util_add_descriptor_uuid128(const uint8_t * uuid128, uint16_t properties, uint8_t read_permission, uint8_t write_permission, uint8_t * data, uint16_t data_len);
* @brief Get address of constructed ATT DB
uint8_t * att_db_util_get_address(void);
* @brief Get size of constructed ATT DB
uint16_t att_db_util_get_size(void);
* @brief Get number of bytes that are included in GATT Database Hash
uint16_t att_db_util_hash_len(void);
* @brief init generator for GATT Database Hash
void att_db_util_hash_init(void);
* @brief get next byte from generator for GATT Database Hash
uint8_t att_db_util_hash_get_next(void);
* @brief Calculate GATT Database Hash using crypto engine
* @param request
* @param db_hash
* @param callback
* @param callback_arg
void att_db_util_hash_calc(btstack_crypto_aes128_cmac_t * request, uint8_t * db_hash, void (* callback)(void * arg), void * callback_arg);